Salaymualaykum n hye readers!..
Lama tak menulis di blog ni..sorry..but i'm quiet busy..many story to tell but little time to tye here..
Just wannna to share about JPP..(jawatankuasa perwakilan pelajar)..seriously...i just vote without thinking who the best..hahaha..doesnt meant anything actually.
Skip about that..turn to new story..i never leave KMM since i set foot u believe me??..i survive here! independent..Finally..Alhamdulillah..but i mi8ss my family n my cat at home~~..wuuu..T__T
Yesterday,i riding a bike..woahh!! giler! n my roomate had so much fun together..and the most tranquil scene when we sat n gazing at sunset..=)..really at that time i realize i miss my home..clearly..i miss my old life!
There's a lot of stories that i wanna to share..but..nantilah..hiii..stay u all so much..
Lots Of Love
Congratulation, aten... ^_^